Tangible Tips for Non-Profits: 5 Donor-Centric Habits

There are countless articles, just like this one, that provide ideas and courses of action for organizations to act upon in order to improve their management, operations, fundraising, etc. Businesses and NGOs alike sit around boardrooms brainstorming different ways to better their operations or communications. And while this discussion is an important and necessary step […]
Tangible Tips for Non-Profits: Four Fundraising Apps

As more and more non-profit organizations adopt various mobile marketing and mobile fundraising operations, we love seeing the way they are making it easy for donors to donate. Here are a few successful fundraising apps to inspire you and your organization! 1. I Can Go Without “We have the power to make real change.” This […]
Tangible Tips for Non-Profits: Three Avenues for Mobile Fundraising

As our world becomes increasingly more reliant on technology, consumers are consulting one screen or another consistently throughout the day. The customer mobile demands, having everything at the tip of their fingers, are escalating. Just like businesses, non-profits need to respond accordingly to this request. Every non-profit organization should be responding to this consumer desire, […]
Measuring Donor Stewardship Activities
Source: this blog was written by Penelope Burk on June 18th, 2015, and posted on Burk’s Blog here >>It has been re-written with permission. Chief executive officers and managers often ask me whether donor relations matters. As employers and supervisors, they are asking two important questions: Can the value of donor relations (and, by extension, […]
Our Top 10 Tweets from #Bridge15 (so far)

Twitter can be such a useful tool at times to bring people together, especially when the tweets are all coming from one great event like the Bridge to Integrated Marketing & Fundraising Conference. Here’s a snapshot of my top 10 favourite tweets from the past 24 hours at Bridge. What great reminders! Rachel Muir @rachelmuirHow […]
How to Write the Perfect Fundraising Letter

1. The Opening When you address your reader, do so in a personal manner. Instead of using an opening line reading, “Dear Supporter” use the donor’s name. When a letter is not personalized a donor can feel like a number in a machine and automatically reject the letter before it even gets read! The more […]
Mobile Marketing by the Numbers

Once upon a time companies advertised through newspaper and radio ads, and communicated with clients face-to-face. Thirty years ago, companies primarily used television ads, while connecting with customers primarily via phone. In the last ten years, companies have shifted much of their advertising to the Internet and now routinely communicate with customers through email and […]
Getting Prepped for #Bridge15

It’s coming up quickly – eight more sleeps and we will be arriving in Washington for the 10th annual Bridge to Integrated Marketing and Fundraising Conference. We’re very excited for this year’s packed agenda. Here’s the breakdown of the sessions that I am most excited to see: Sonal Shah – talk about my own personal rockstar! […]
Five Online Fundraising Tips to Make it Easy for Donors

1) Keep it simple From a navigation bar to search tools to event promotions, you have countless tabs and buttons on which donors can click. While there is certainly a time and place for all of these aspects of your organization, please keep them far away from the donation form. These aspects are all important to […]
Donors Receive Real-Time Thank Yous

We live in an incredible time. Recently, the Swedish blood donation service announced an initiative where donors are sent automatic text messages telling them when their blood has actually been used. This service has actually been running in Stockholm for three years, but it is now being rolled out by other local areas all across the […]