Social Media for Non-Profits: Part 1 – The Basics

Social media marketing can be used to efficiently communicate a message to countless potential donors at high levels of engagement and low costs.

What separates social media from other forms of media are two factors: 

1 – It can be personalized.

Rather than broadcasting a message to thousands of unnecessary users – say with direct response for example – an organization can use social media to directly target relevant users that are interested in their particular cause. You can search for #hashtags to follow trends and see what users are talking about something that your organization is involved with – and then follow them. Or – you can use the advertising options to reach your target audience by sharing your ad with ONLY your target demographic.

2 – Social media advertising is arguably the most cost effective method of advertising.

As a Facebook page or twitter user, you can post content and engage consumers at zero cost. Additionally, you can ensure your advertisements go only to the eyes whose attention you are looking to capture (and though this targeted advertising through Facebook is not free, it’s certainly of great value).

For example, a business can use Facebook as an advertising venue, reaching its target audience by sharing the ad with their chosen demographic. Second, social media advertising is arguably the most cost effective method of advertising. As a Facebook page or twitter user, you can post content and engage consumers at zero cost. Additionally, you can ensure your advertisements go only to the eyes whose attention you are looking to capture (and though this targeted advertising through Facebook is not free, it’s certainly great value).How does social media marketing work?

How does social media marketing work?

Social media marketing is the marketing strategy of using social media as a tool to gain exposure and build a repertoire amongst consumers. Many marketing efforts can be strengthened through this approach and the interactions, signals, opinions and voices of target audiences of social media users are taken into account to improve marketing.

Very simply, social media is used to engage consumers. It can be used for many business goals, but is best to promote and provide a customer-centric business with an integrated marketing approach.

Five organizational functions of social media marketing:

1. Customer service: being available on social media provides another way for customers or donors to contact you. This shows you are available and accessible.

2. Market and customer research: With ample opportunities through social media to conduct market and customer research, your organization is better equipped to improve your product and/or serve your donors.

3. Collaboration: Social media provides countless opportunities for your organization to collaborate with other groups and even donors – get creative!

4. Customer / Donor Relationship Management: CRM is a vital part of any organization, for without customer (donor) satisfaction and loyalty to your organization will soon flounder. Social media marketing helps grow and nurture positive relations.

5. Donations / Sales: A thriving CRM / DRM program boost promotions and an audience leading to sales and donations

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