Four Points to Remember in Your CSR Strategy

Most brands are aware that to do nothing with your Corporate Social Responsibility obligation is not only bad business, but it is also bad for your current and future employees. Here are 4 Points to take into account when you are developing or re-thinking.

  1. Be Passionate about your Giving

    In order to make sense throughout your organization, you need to get behind a cause that your stakeholders are passionate about. Saying that you care about the environment without having any passion for that within your organization will only create long term pain.
  2. Choose a Relevant Charity.

    Make sure that the cause you choose aligns with your CSR and can help progress your business goals. Interview different causes to see how their audiences may benefit you.
  3. Cash is Not King.

    Your organization may be in a position to offer services or products to the cause you are supporting. Most important is to get your employees involved on a personal level.
  4. Create focus with a Campaign.

    Engage the services of a Social Marketing Agency to create a campaign that engages both internal and external digital audiences. This will focus and amplify your efforts as well as create ROI to grow your business. 
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