Storytelling Part II: What Kind of Story?

Last week we discussed the importance of telling a story to strengthen your brand. We unpacked the fundamentals of this marketing approach, but now it is time to delve a little deeper.

This week we are going to talk about what kind of story you want your brand to tell, and with which medium you should share it!

So what kind of story should you tell?

Rule #1 – Keep it personal.

The most important thing to remember when sharing the story of your brand is to make it easy to understand, relatable, and emotional. In other words, let your story give your brand a personality.

You want to talk about how your brand came to be, what inspired you to start your company and the journey you’ve taken so far. What keeps you motivated day in and day out? What do you want your company to accomplish?

Rule #2 – Remember your audience.

As a marketing manager, you must constantly think about who your readers are and contemplate their wants and needs as consumers.

One of the most effective ways to engage consumers is to make your branding story, just like your company, all about them. While you want to ensure the story is compelling and factual, a client narrative has the largest long-term impact on brands. You want to make the customer the main character, while your business is simply the supporting character that is helping them to achieve prosperous endings.

For example, if your company sells sporting goods and outdoor equipment, your branding story should focus on why the products are needed and who they benefit. Use specific examples and concentrate on one or two different people. Talk about “Cindy” and her love of camping, hiking and mountain climbing which she relishes each weekend as a release from work. Discuss “George” and the myriad of sporting goods he buys for his big family to enjoy on weekends at the park.

Rule #3 – Use testimonials.

A testimonial from a satisfied customer is the most powerful weapon in a company’s arsenal. It can build customer loyalty like nothing else if used properly. All you need for a good testimonial is two or three sentences told from the personal perspective of a consumer. It is a short story that dives into the challenges of the customer (a relatable, everyday person), the lengths taken by the company/an employee to solve their issue, and the positive outcome achieved. This kind of a story, a true testimony to how your company solves’ people’s pain, will resonate with consumers much more than pie charts and diagrams.

In summary, be real and refreshingly honest and transparent. That is what we are going to need to bring the word conscious capitalism to the world.

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