Philanthroship As A Differentiator

I think I know the answers to these two questions: Do you want your company to stand out? Do you want to influence consumer behaviour and enhance corporate reputation? As businesses battle for customers and profits, it becomes increasingly important to find ways to elevate the reputation of your corporation. One of the best ways […]
How To Best Approach CSR: Philanthroship

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a big buzzword in business today. In the last decade, companies around the world have embraced the notion of “doing good” will ultimately help the company’s bottom line. Now that this idea has been around for a while and many different methods and styles tried and tested, what has evolved […]
Philanthroship: Seven Phrases That Lead To Failure

Let’s look at seven common phrases that often lead to failure when looking at launching philanthroship in your organization: 1. “Let’s look at what’s on the horizon.” Looking at tomorrow is important. Innovative, long-term thinking is imperative to building a brand that lasts. But a brand can’t last if it doesn’t launch. And your brand […]
Philanthroship: Shared Value

Shared Value: what is that? Shared value is the idea that a company can boost its value by addressing social issues that directly relate to its business. It’s more than just charity. Shared value looks at specific philanthropic issues that can increase profits while helping society. The two gentlemen who coined the term, Michael Porter […]
Philanthroship: The Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company, the world’s biggest beverage firm, markets four of the world’s top five soda pop brands, including Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Coca-Cola has also been dubbed as the most valuable brand in the world. The Coca-Cola Company is a perfect example of a company with a thriving corporate social responsibility (CSR) department. In 1984, […]
Philanthroship: Cater To Community
It’s vital for any company to understand the importance of customer expectations in order to build a successful business model, and the same goes for a philanthropic platform. Today more than ever before, the customer holds all the power. If a product is flawed or a service does not meet expectations, the customer can share […]
Philanthroship: What is that?

So we know philanthroship has something to do with sponsoring philanthropic efforts, but what exactly is it? Philanthroship is a term that is emerging, trending, and thriving in the corporate sphere. In the last twenty years, businesses around the world have begun to recognize the importance of philanthropic involvement. Not just out of morality, but also out […]
Four Points to Remember in Your CSR Strategy

Most brands are aware that to do nothing with your Corporate Social Responsibility obligation is not only bad business, but it is also bad for your current and future employees. Here are 4 Points to take into account when you are developing or re-thinking.
Three More Rules for Consistent Philanthropy in your Daily Life

Creating ongoing, consistent philanthropy in your daily life takes only a little bit of planning and a lot of love. Last week we talked about Three Rules for Consistent Philanthropy. Here are a few more “rules” to incorporate giving into your daily life: Rule #4 for consistent philanthropy: Micro-giving We did a math equation last week […]
Three Rules for Consistent Philanthropy

In our recent series “Philanthropy in your Daily Life” we have talked about mindfulness models for choosing your cause, how to know where to give, and various ways to give. Now that we’ve covered the basics, this month we’ll move into a series that talks about the idea of consistent philanthropy. This means creating ongoing […]