Voice of the Donor #3: Subomi Plumptre

In this edition of Voice of the Donor, we talk to Subomi Plumptre of Lagos, Nigeria. Subomi is an avid donor for the Freedom Foundation – www.freedomfoundationng.com – whom are combatting poverty and supporting vulnerable women and children in Nigeria.

Subomi discusses her role as a long-time donor of the organization.

Why are we running the #VOD campaign?

We have seen an industry gap, as non-profits have to tighten up resources and lack time to intimately get to know their donors. We want to become an advocate for donors, to humanize them, and to ultimately showcase what donors want from their relationship with non-profit organizations.

Why is this important for NPOs?

Results of this study undertaken by Charity Dynamics unequivocally clarified the importance of being a donor’s #1 nonprofit of choice:

Nonprofits that establish themselves as a donor’s favorite charity are more likely to receive greater support from the donor—not just in terms of financial contributions, but also through sharing information, volunteering, event participation, and issue advocacy.

We want to tell the story of donors worldwide so that non-profits, like the ones we work with, can come to understand donors better.

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